
coral reefs

In a recent press release the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced the first-ever condition status report for U.S. coral reefs was recently released by NOAA and the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES). This is the first time coral reefs in all U.S. states and territories have been assessed using standardized [...]

In December, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced in a press release, that they with partners were launching “Mission: Iconic Reefs”, a groundbreaking Florida Key Coral Reef restoration effort. The project, calls for restoring nearly three million square feet of the Florida Reef Tract, about the size of 52 football fields, one of the [...]

Coral Reefs are underwater ridges created by a colonial organism called coral as it builds its own protective housing. They provide shelter, breeding grounds, and nursery habitat for many ocean inhabitants including ecologically and economically important species. They have one of the highest levels of biodiversity on the planet and protect shores from storms. Coral [...]

The U.S. embargo against Cuba began on October 19, 1960, and was a commercial, economic and financial embargo. It began after Cuba nationalized American owned Cuban oil refineries without compensation. Fifty- four years later, in December of 2014, a warming of relations began between the U.S. and Cuba when President Obama and President Raul Castro [...]

When Eckerd alumni and cosmetic chemist Autumn Blum decided to create a new line of eco-conscious skincare products, she selected ingredients that were considered to be the safest available. Turns out they might be safe for people, but her first three shampoo formulations killed entire tanks of zebrafish when she tested them for aquatic toxicity. [...]

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