


Oscar Scherer State Park and the Friends of Oscar Scherer Park, Inc. would like to invite you to participate in our 35th Annual Earth Day Festival on Saturday, April 20, 2024. The Earth Day movement began in 1970 and has been a positive force in bringing awareness and making changes to our planet. This year’s [...]

NOAA and the Smithsonian Institution announced in a recent press release a new memorandum of understanding at the Ocean Biodiversity Summit in Washington, D.C., that advances collaborative efforts to understand and conserve the biodiversity of the world’s ocean ecosystems. Hosted by NOAA and the Smithsonian, the Summit brought together leaders from across the country to [...]

The following information was provided to Lisa by the Ocean Project. On June 8th each year, we celebrate the ocean, its importance in our lives, and how each of us can protect it, no matter where we live. World Oceans Day raises the profile of the ocean, connects people worldwide, and inspires continuing action year-round [...]

A recent press release from NOAA Fisheries social scientists highlighted a report, the National Ocean Recreation Expenditure Survey, (NORES), the first national survey undertaken by them to estimate participation levels and the number of day’s people spent enjoying a broad range of ocean and coastal activities. In 2012, the baseline year chosen by researchers for [...]

Lisa is one of the sponsors of the 2018 Green Movies That Matters Series. The series has already screened three films that have been very well received and there are six screenings remaining. The next film, “Sonic Sea” will be shown on Friday, July 27th at 6 pm at the Sarasota Universalist Unitarian Church, 3975 [...]

Water is a renewable resource, but the world’s supply of clean freshwater is shrinking as the population grows and demand increases. Pollution from industry, agriculture, and inappropriate waste disposal makes previously useful freshwater resources unsafe for human consumption. Runoff from farms poses a threat to freshwater ecosystems. Fertilizer, pesticides, and livestock waste often drain into [...]

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