
global warming

Shortly after the last presidential race in the U.S. the Yale Program on Climate Change conducted its bi-annual Climate Change in the American Mind national survey. They found that the number of Americans “very worried” about global warming had reached a record high (19 percent), since first measured in 2008. A majority of Americans (61 [...]

Lisa is one of the sponsors of the 2018 Green Movies That Matters Series. The series has already screened three films that have been very well received and there are six screenings remaining. The next film, “Sonic Sea” will be shown on Friday, July 27th at 6 pm at the Sarasota Universalist Unitarian Church, 3975 [...]

The Yale Program on Climate Change Communication’s mission is about educating, informing, warning, persuading, mobilizing and solving the global warming problem. The program feels that, climate change communication is shaped by our different experiences, mental and cultural models, and underlying values and worldviews. Their research seeks to identify and understand these different audiences as a [...]

The American Meteorological Society (AMS) recently published “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective.” Scientists have been producing this annual report for the past six years. This is the first time they have found that extreme events could not have happened without human-caused warming of the climate through increases in greenhouse gases. The [...]

Every year for the past twelve years a NOAA sponsored report has been issued on how the arctic region is faring environmentally. The peer reviewed report brings together the work of scores of scientists from across the world to report on air, ocean, land and ecosystem changes in the Far North. It is a key [...]