

Members of the Indian Beach/Sapphire Shores neighborhood community wanted to improve the natural aesthetics and protection of their shoreline along the Bay and reached out to a number of environmental partners to bring together the expertise and funding needed to undertake an impressive restoration project. As shown in the above picture, members of the various [...]

The Shoreline Shindig hosted by Lisa and Realize Bradenton on Saturday, October 13th along the Riverwalk in Bradenton was a very enjoyable event attracting over 300 people like the three well-known visitors shown above. Everyone gathered to celebrate the importance of our shoreline and waterways and hear original acoustic music from local band Passerine. They [...]

A recent press release from NOAA Fisheries social scientists highlighted a report, the National Ocean Recreation Expenditure Survey, (NORES), the first national survey undertaken by them to estimate participation levels and the number of day’s people spent enjoying a broad range of ocean and coastal activities. In 2012, the baseline year chosen by researchers for [...]

Shoreline Shindig

Please join us at the Bradenton Riverwalk 452 3rd Ave. West from Noon to 3pm. Celebrate the importance of our shorelines and of improving our coastal waters at this free community party, while enjoying the great outdoors with music from Passerine, delicious food and local partners who care about the environment. Have fun learning what [...]