
ocean acidification

Annually, since 2006, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has issued the Arctic Report Card. It contains peer reviewed information on recent observations of environmental conditions in the Arctic relative to historical records. There are three sections to the Arctic report card: Vital signs, Other Indicators and Frostbite. The seven areas under Vital signs [...]

In early January 2021, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced a partnership with The Ocean Foundation to cooperate on international and national scientific efforts to advance research, conservation and our understanding of the global ocean. As the only community foundation for the ocean, The Ocean Foundation’s 501(c)(3) mission is to support, strengthen, and [...]

In December, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced in a press release, that they with partners were launching “Mission: Iconic Reefs”, a groundbreaking Florida Key Coral Reef restoration effort. The project, calls for restoring nearly three million square feet of the Florida Reef Tract, about the size of 52 football fields, one of the [...]

The Ocean Conservancy recently released a report laying out what it will take to bring Florida’s coasts back from the brink. Ocean Conservancy is a nonprofit environmental advocacy group based in Washington, D.C.. The organization helps formulate ocean policy at the federal and state government levels based on peer reviewed science. Through several program areas, [...]

Scientists have been detailing the benefits of healthy estuaries for decades – protecting shorelines from erosion and storms, improving water quality, providing vital habitat for economically valuable fish and marine species, and boosting local tourism. A new study underway in Tampa Bay focuses on yet another benefit: buffering both global and local ecosystems from the [...]