
Lake Okeechobee

The Sarasota Tiger Bay Club, an organization of local citizens, policy makers and business leaders, meets monthly for luncheons at Michael’s On East Restaurant to hear a panel of experts address important topics of concern. The topics range from updates about pending legislation in Tallahassee, to local issues like the direction of the School Board [...]

The political climate for undertaking long overdue infrastructure improvements that will reduce the nutrients that feed red tide in our waterways is the most favorable in recent memory. We all have to take advantage of it to ensure that encouraging promises are funded and acted upon. For Lisa, this means meeting with leading federal, state [...]

Now that the election is over and our current policy makers are in place, Lisa is moving forward with a “Call To Action” to form a new coalition of organizations and concerned citizens to band together with “One Voice” to ensure that our policy makers follow through on their campaign promises to take action to [...]

Trouble in Paradise

If you visit the website of 1000 Friends of Florida, a not for profit, smart growth advocacy organizations founded in 1986, you will see that their Mission promotes vibrant, sustainable, walkable, livable communities which provide residents with affordable housing choices and transportation alternatives. They work to protect natural lands that cleanse and store fresh water [...]

Funding for Everglades restoration and land acquisition projects have been shortchanged according to Florida environmentalists. They filed a lawsuit last June against the Florida Legislature over their budget’s use of money that was set aside for conservation by Amendment 1, saying that funds were diverted to uses not allowable for the Land Acquisition Trust Fund. [...]