

It has been a record year for dolphin calves in Sarasota waters, according to the Sarasota Dolphin Research Program (SDRP), a Chicago Zoological Society (CZS) program in collaboration with Mote Marine Laboratory. According to a Mote news release, nineteen bottlenose dolphin caves have been documented during this year’s calving season. Calving season peaks during late [...]

Dolphins in Peril

From New York State to North Carolina 357 dead or dying bottlenose dolphins have washed ashore since July 1st, the largest number of deaths in a quarter century. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has declared the die offs to be an unusual mortality event and released funds for an investigation. NOAA says the [...]

The Indian River Lagoon is located on Florida’s east coast. It is a shallow water estuary that has one of the most diverse ecosystems in North America. It stretches across 40 percent of Florida’s east coast, spanning 156 miles that contain more than 600 species of fish and more than 300 kinds of birds. It [...]

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