

We are rapidly approaching the Atlantic hurricane season that runs from June 1 through November 30. This year we may get lucky. In a recent press release forecasters from NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center, a division of the National Weather Service, predicted near-normal hurricane activity in the Atlantic this year. NOAA’s outlook for the 2023 Atlantic [...]

Hurricane News

Forecasters at Colorado State University (CSU), the University of Arizona and Accu-Weather are all predicting that the upcoming Atlantic hurricane season will be slightly higher than the yearly average for the past three decades. CSU includes in its outlook the chance of at least one major hurricane tracking into the Caribbean. This is an area [...]

For over thirty years, every spring, weather forecasters and weather watchers wait to hear from the Colorado State University Tropical Meteorology Project at Colorado State University (CSU) about how many hurricanes we will have that season. Many meteorologists consider them to be the most credible and comprehensive forecast out there. In April they released their [...]

In May we told you about the Colorado State University Tropical Meteorology Project at Colorado State University (CSU), who every April forecast how many hurricanes we will have. Many meteorologists consider them to be the most credible and comprehensive forecast out there. In April they released their latest forecast predicting near average activity this year. [...]

For over thirty years, every spring, weather forecasters and weather watchers wait to hear from the Colorado State University Tropical Meteorology Project at Colorado State University (CSU) about how many hurricanes we will have that season. Many meteorologists consider them to be the most credible and comprehensive forecast out there. In April they released their [...]

In May, NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center forecasted a 75 percent chance that the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season, which runs from June 1 to November 30, would be near or above normal. They planned to update the Atlantic seasonal in early August, just before the peak of the season. They have done so and it is [...]

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